Guest Editor in Sensors journal – Special Issue “Smart Sensors for Damage Detection”

Dear Colleagues,

This Special Issue is aimed at the submission of both review and original research articles related to smart sensors in the framework of a structural health monitoring (SHM) system. This includes sensor technologies that automatically detect damage based on its direct sensing principle. On the other hand, a smart sensor or smart sensor array may consist of one or multiple identical sensors providing indirect information about damage by suitable signal processing techniques. The Special Issue “Smart Sensors for Damage Detection” welcomes contributions in this field including, for example, acoustic transducers, electromagnetic sensors, and optical sensors.

It is expected that the sensor and its underlying sensing principle has been properly described and its damage detection performance has been tested in a relevant environment. Numerical investigations may also help to provide additional insights. In any case, it is required to show experimental results from a dedicated laboratory experiment possibly combined with a demonstration in the field.

Potential applications include aviation and maritime industry, but also pipeworks, bridges, and other technical structures.

Dr. Jochen Moll
Guest Editor
