A joint paper with Prof. John Barker and Dr. Bhavsar from the Frankfurt Initiative for Regenerative Medicine has been accepted for publication in Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology. Abstract: The most common imaging method used to monitor bone fracture healing is multiple radiographic images performed by highly trained professionals with expensive equipment that can...Read More
This photo shows Amit Shrestha and me in our laboratory. Amit worked in the RAMMS project for about three years and developed a novel direct digital synthesizer for use in future ultra-wideband radar systems. For his new position in Berlin I wish him all the best!Read More
This photo shows my presentation in the SPECIAL SESSION “SHM Technology in Wind Turbines” at IWSHM 2019. Reference: Moll, J. ; Mälzer, M.; Simon, J.; Taremi Zadeh, A.; Krozer, V.; Dürr, M.; Kramer, C.; Friedmann, H.; Nuber, A.; Salman, R. & Pozdniakov, D. Monitoring of Wind Turbine Blades using Radar Technology: Results from a Field...Read More
This photo shows Chris Kexel and me at the International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM 2019) at Stanford University. We are presenting our latest research results related to SHM (guided ultrasound waves, signal processing, wind turbines, biomedical applications, imaging, ultrasound data communication).Read More
We are very pleased to announce that a paper got accepted at the Scientific Data journal – an open access publication from the Nature Research for the descriptions of scientifically valuable datasets. Abstract: The influence of temperature is regarded as particularly important for a structural health monitoring system based on ultrasonic guided waves. Since the...Read More
We have demonstrated a combined inspection and data communication approach for Lamb-wave Structural Health Monitoring. A paper was recently accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. Abstract: Guided ultrasound waves have long been studied in the context of structural health monitoring (SHM). More recently, they have also been proposed for...Read More
A joint work on bone fracture sensing and acoustic data communication with Prof. Barker and Dr. Bhavsar (both are from Frankfurt Initiative for Regenerative Medicine, University Hospital Frankfurt) has been published in Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology. Abstract: Approximately 6.3 million fractures occur each year in the United States alone. Accurately monitoring the progression of...Read More
The European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2019) took place in Krakow (Poland). I have presented two papers at the conference: the first one was about jointed electromagnetic waveguides and the second about microwave breast cancer detection. References: Moll, J., Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Defect Detection in Jointed Electromagnetic Waveguides, 13th European Conference...Read More
Founding meeting of the subcommittee on Guided Waves together with the expert committee for Structural Health Monitoring and expert committee for Acoustic Emission Testing at Airbus Helicopters in Donauwörth. In the subcommittee on Guided Waves I am coordinating all activities related to signal processing. Currently, three working groups collaborate on ultrasound imaging, wavefield analysis, and...Read More