A paper describing the main results of the DROSERA project has been accepted for publication in Structural Health Monitoring journal. Abstract: Delivery drones have become increasingly important in recent years. It is advantageous for commercialization that suppliers are able to deliver orders autonomously and directly to their customers via air transport. However, the safety aspect...Read More
A research paper with Jannik Henkmann (Goethe University Frankfurt) and Dr. Vittorio Memmolo (University of Naples Federico II, Italy) on tiny machine learning for ultrasonic structural health monitoring has been accepted for publication in Sensors. Abstract: This work leverages ultrasonic guided waves (UGWs) to detect and localize damage in structures using lightweight Artificial Intelligence (AI)...Read More
A joint paper, coordinated by Anastasiia Volovikova from KIT, has been accepted for publication in the Research and Review Journal of Nondestructive Testing (ReJNDT). The authors work together in the DFG network “Towards a holistic quality assessment for guided wave-based SHM”. Abstract: The continuous monitoring of structural integrity is crucial, as imperceptible damage may appear...Read More
A joint paper with Oliver Schackmann (Goethe University Frankfurt) and Dr. Vittorio Memmolo (University of Naples) has been accepted for publication in Smart Materials and Structures. Abstract: This work presents a novel unified Convolutional Neural Network approach where broadband ultrasonic guided waves signals are processed in such a way that damage is first detected (binary...Read More
The photo shows the HotWalls consortium during a project meeting in Marl Chemical Park. The project partners are: Evonik Operations GmbH (Essen, Coordinator) Arvos GmbH (Kassel) KT-Systems GmbH (Euerbach) Fraunhofer IKTS (Dresden) University of Siegen (Siegen)Read More
The 11th European Workshop of Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM2024) took place in Potsdam from June 10-13, 2024. With 8 parallel sessions, the conference was excellently organized and attended. In this context, the work of the network led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Inka Mueller was presented to a broad specialist audience. The special session on “Reliability and...Read More
A joint paper with Dr. Beata Zima (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland) has been accepted for publication in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. Abstract: The article investigates the results obtained from numerical simulations and experimental tests concerning the propagation of guided waves in corroded steel plates. Developing innovative methodologies for assessing corrosion-induced degradation is crucial...Read More
Several contributions have been prepared for the coming European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (June 2024 in Potsdam) regarding different topics. I want to thank all partners for the wonderful collaboration! Hardes, C. ; Moll, J. ; Treppmann, D. ; Kraemer, P. ; Schubert, L. ; Weidenfeller, J. and Kress, K.-P., Economic and Ecological Benefits...Read More