The GW4SHM project, funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019-860104), aims at training a new generation of researchers skilled in all aspects of Structural Health Monitoring focusing on aeronautics, petrochemistry and the automotive sector. Open Positions at EURAXESS: Direct link to project taking place at Goethe University Frankfurt: Open ESR6 Homepage...Read More
The kick-off meeting of the scientific network “Towards a holistic quality assessment for guided wave-based structural health monitoring” took place at the end of January 2020 in the rooms of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin. Prof. Dr. Inka Mueller from the Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering at Bochum...Read More
The European project GW4SHM started with a Kick-off meeting in January 2020. Now, the first tweet has been posted on Twitter: More
A joint paper with Prof. John Barker and Dr. Bhavsar from the Frankfurt Initiative for Regenerative Medicine has been accepted for publication in Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology. Abstract: The most common imaging method used to monitor bone fracture healing is multiple radiographic images performed by highly trained professionals with expensive equipment that can...Read More
This photo shows Amit Shrestha and me in our laboratory. Amit worked in the RAMMS project for about three years and developed a novel direct digital synthesizer for use in future ultra-wideband radar systems. For his new position in Berlin I wish him all the best!Read More
The H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019 GWSHM (Guided Waves for Structural Health Monitoring) has been selected for funding. Coordinator is Dr. J. Prager from BAM (Berlin, Germany). The intended project start is January 2020.Read More
The main goal of InDiThera (Integration bildgeführter Brustkrebsdiagnostik mit minimalinvasiver Lasertherapie) is the realization of a demonstrator system that combines two electromagnetic diagnostic methods with image guided minimally invasive therapie (laser ablation). The expected result is a unique and innovative diagnostic therapy system that provides complementary diagnostic information compared to classical mammography. Project partners are:...Read More
This photo shows my presentation in the SPECIAL SESSION “SHM Technology in Wind Turbines” at IWSHM 2019. Reference: Moll, J. ; Mälzer, M.; Simon, J.; Taremi Zadeh, A.; Krozer, V.; Dürr, M.; Kramer, C.; Friedmann, H.; Nuber, A.; Salman, R. & Pozdniakov, D. Monitoring of Wind Turbine Blades using Radar Technology: Results from a Field...Read More
This photo shows Chris Kexel and me at the International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM 2019) at Stanford University. We are presenting our latest research results related to SHM (guided ultrasound waves, signal processing, wind turbines, biomedical applications, imaging, ultrasound data communication).Read More