The H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019 GWSHM (Guided Waves for Structural Health Monitoring) has been selected for funding. Coordinator is Dr. J. Prager from BAM (Berlin, Germany). The intended project start is January 2020.Read More
The main goal of InDiThera (Integration bildgeführter Brustkrebsdiagnostik mit minimalinvasiver Lasertherapie) is the realization of a demonstrator system that combines two electromagnetic diagnostic methods with image guided minimally invasive therapie (laser ablation). The expected result is a unique and innovative diagnostic therapy system that provides complementary diagnostic information compared to classical mammography. Project partners are:...Read More
This photo shows my presentation in the SPECIAL SESSION “SHM Technology in Wind Turbines” at IWSHM 2019. Reference: Moll, J. ; Mälzer, M.; Simon, J.; Taremi Zadeh, A.; Krozer, V.; Dürr, M.; Kramer, C.; Friedmann, H.; Nuber, A.; Salman, R. & Pozdniakov, D. Monitoring of Wind Turbine Blades using Radar Technology: Results from a Field...Read More