About 130 researchers from all over Germany came together in Berlin in January 2018 to discuss the most recent advances in bat research (www.tdff.de). I have given a talk on the B²-Monitor project with the title “FMCW Radar System at Millimeter-wave Frequencies for the Detection of Bats at Wind Turbine Installations: Initial Results From a...Read More
Grouted connections (GC) are structural joints formed by a cementitious grout cast between two concentric circular tubes. They are widely used in the offshore construction of oil and gas platforms, and for offshore wind turbines (monopiles and jackets).Read More
We demonstrated the damage localization capabilities in a radar-based structural health monitoring system. An article has been accepted for publication in Wind Energy journal (John Wiley & Sons Ltd).Read More
In collaboration with the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (Prof. Vogl, University Hospital Frankfurt am Main) I am studying ultra-wideband (UWB) microwave radar techniques for breast cancer detection. Moreover, microwave spectroscopy measurements have been conducted on breast biopsy samples.Read More
As part of the B²-Monitor project we have successfully demonstrated that damage can be detected with a radar-based structural health monitoring approach. An article has been accepted for publication in the SAGE-journal of Structural Health Monitoring.Read More